Did you know? Reporting 2

Arbiter’s Actions Action and Deficiency Tracking No matter how big or small your project is, the ability to track actions or deficiencies is essential for successful outcomes. Whether your project is being built in your own facility, or being constructed in the field, Arbiter Completions and Controls allows your team

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Did you know? Reporting 3

Project-Driven Reporting Real-time, accurate project reporting Companies without project reporting do not have the ability to identify and improve on areas where their project might fall short. Without the understanding of estimated hours vs actual hours spent, companies lack the capability to continuously improve. Arbiterhas editable, customizable reporting that can

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Did you know? Actions 2

Arbiter’s Actions Action and Deficiency Tracking No matter how big or small your project is, the ability to track actions or deficiencies is essential for successful outcomes. Whether your project is being built in your own facility, or being constructed in the field, Arbiter Completions and Controls allows your team

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Did you know? Actions 3

Arbiter’s Actions Action and Deficiency Tracking No matter how big or small your project is, the ability to track actions or deficiencies is essential for successful outcomes. Whether your project is being built in your own facility, or being constructed in the field, Arbiter Completions and Controls allows your team

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The History of Arbiter and SCS

Genesis Necessity is the mother of all invention. This was certainly the case for Sancon and Contendo in the late 2000’s. Sancon Commissioning was growing at a healthy clip, helping major infrastructure projects reach revenue generation faster and more reliably. Contendo Digital Solutions was crafting online competency training and database

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Did you know? Reporting

Arbiter’s Reports Reporting Without proper reporting, team members and management do not have access to accurate project statuses, they do not have a finger on the pulse of the project and can not accurately forecast, leading to decreased project controls.  This can result in project delays, unforeseen costs, or milestone

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Did you know? Actions

Arbiter’s Actions Action and Deficiency Tracking No matter how big or small your project is, the ability to track actions or deficiencies is essential for successful outcomes. Whether your project is being built in your own facility, or being constructed in the field, Arbiter Completions and Controls allows your team

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Message from the Founder

Marking the official launch of Arbiter Completions & Controls message from the founder: Good Day: With great pride and pleasure, I formally introduce the world to Arbiter Controls and Completions. A software platform designed and refined over the past decade delivers an unparalleled toolkit for project leads, manufacturers and business

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