Did you Know?

Quick quips on Arbiter 

Did you know? Electronic Dossier

Electronic Turnover Dossier Electronic Turnover Dossier The Dossier feature in Arbiter acts as a repository for all system turnover documents. The feature allows the user to add any attachments, such as turnover certificates or red line drawings to a system. Chapters within the Dossier can be built by the user

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Did you know? Doculink 1

Doculink – Digital Document Repository Arbiter uses Doculink Arbiter Completions & Controls has access to Contendo’s Doculink App. Doculink is a digital document repository, allowing a user to store a file in a project for a specific folder. These files can then be linked to objects (tags) in Arbiter, to

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Did you know? Reporting 2

Arbiter’s Actions Action and Deficiency Tracking No matter how big or small your project is, the ability to track actions or deficiencies is essential for successful outcomes. Whether your project is being built in your own facility, or being constructed in the field, Arbiter Completions and Controls allows your team

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Did you know? Reporting 3

Project-Driven Reporting Real-time, accurate project reporting Companies without project reporting do not have the ability to identify and improve on areas where their project might fall short. Without the understanding of estimated hours vs actual hours spent, companies lack the capability to continuously improve. Arbiterhas editable, customizable reporting that can

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Did you know? Softchecks 3

SoftChecks Arbiter’s digital check sheets Using paper Check sheets is costly and inefficient Using paper check sheets is costly and inefficient Arbiter integrates client specific check sheets into SoftChecks, which eliminates the hours needed for sourcing, printing, scanning, compiling and organizing check sheets. • Check sheets are automatically populated with

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Did you know? Actions 2

Arbiter’s Actions Action and Deficiency Tracking No matter how big or small your project is, the ability to track actions or deficiencies is essential for successful outcomes. Whether your project is being built in your own facility, or being constructed in the field, Arbiter Completions and Controls allows your team

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