Arbiter's Actions

Action and Deficiency Tracking

Not understanding your overall project status can result in costly project overruns and the inability to accurately schedule. Arbiter’s system displays accurate, real-time status for all actions. Having the ability to raise, action and close deficiencies onsite not only increases communication within your team, but also saves your business time and money.

•Make sound, informed project decisions to ensure actions are prioritize and cleared appropriately.

•Allow for your project leads to properly schedule and assign the clearing of actions.

•Identify any outstanding action, or generate reports based on the Responsible Party, System or Discipline.

•Add costs or man-hours associated to clearing of actions, setting up your project controls to be more efficient in future projects.

•Project check sheets can still be progressed while an action is open.

Eliminate miscommunication around what the deficiency in your project is, or who is responsible for actioning the item. Increase the transparency and communication on action items, and utilize your historical information to improve your future project outcomes.

Continue reading this presentation to learn more about the Action tracking capabilities of Arbiter, and the recurring problems that this features resolves. 

Ensure your project is completed on time and on budget by utilizing the Action and Deficiency tracking tools offered through Arbiter Completions and Controls.