Project-Driven Reporting

Real-time, accurate project reporting

Companies without project reporting do not have the ability to identify and improve on areas where their project might fall short. Without the understanding of estimated hours vs actual hours spent, companies lack the capability to continuously improve. Arbiterhas editable, customizable reporting that can be structured to help you understand where your project can be streamlined. Arbiterallows access to historical data and reports, and has tools to ensure your future projects are estimated and scheduled as accurately as possible.


•Time tracking reports show how much time is being spent on each stage of the project

•Historic data is available and accessible at all times

•Validation of estimation norms for continuous improvement

•Evaluate Department efficiencies

•Evaluate System Efficiencies

•Evaluate Task efficiencies

•Editable, customizable reports


Eliminate miscommunication around what the deficiency in your project is, or who is responsible for actioning the item. Increase the transparency and communication on action items, and utilize your historical information to improve your future project outcomes.


Continue reading this presentation to learn more about the Action tracking capabilities of Arbiter, and the recurring problems that this features resolves. 


Ensure your project is completed on time and on budget by utilizing the Action and Deficiency tracking tools offered through Arbiter Completions and Controls.